There’s something quite magical about having a child. They truly do bring out the best in you. On my mother’s side, I was always told I would be the one to break generational “curses”. When they would say this, I never fully understood what it meant. From being broke, drug abuse, and neglect of children in the family, there were a lot of curses to break. When saying that, I’m sure they meant I would break them for their family, and create a new legacy for them. This couldn’t be farther from the truth. I broke them for you, Liam. I broke them so I could help build a future for you that I never had. That’s the point of being a father though, giving your children the things you never had as a child. This doesn’t always mean the latest toys, but rather the safety, security, warmth and knowledge you wish you were taught as a kid. This means learning & being given the opportunity and patience to learn. This means having clothes, shoes, food and a warm place to sleep always. No matter the circumstances, my child will have a home, food, and a warm place to sleep. Always.